How to save ps1 and ps2 games on ps3

They are also compatible with PS2 when saving PS1 game data. You can save your progress when playing games on your PS1 or if you're playing a PS1 game  

How to Play PS2 Games on PS3 - Techzillo

How to move game save files from your PS3 to …

How does the PS3 save when playing PS1 games ... My girlfriend got a 320Gig Slim PS3 for Christmas. We know it can play PS1 games but there's no memory card slot (that we can find). So how can the PS3 load and save PS1 games? PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3 Games on CFW REBUG | … 14/05/2019 · Now I've been able to play PS1 and PSN games, but I cannot seem to load PS2, PSP and PS3 games. I already have webman installed and for PS2 it saying that PS2 Classic Placeholder is not installed, for PSP it says PSP Launcher is not installed (while I tried to load it thru Multiman). I'm very noob on this as it's been awhile since I came back from the CFW scene. I hope someone could help me. How good are PS1 games on PS3? - PlayStation 3 - … How good are PS1 games on PS3? ravensword. Follow 4299. Forum Posts. 0. Wiki Points. 0. Followers. Reviews: 1 @Psykerstar: PS2 games, no. PS1, yes :D Or well, Dunno about the Slims actually, My original PS3 60gb plays both PS2 and PS1 games and my later 80 and 40 only plays PS1 games. Not sure if they took that out of the slims :/ 10 years ago. Psykerstar. Follow 64. Forum Posts. 0. Wiki save ps2 ver ps3 sur le forum PlayStation 3 - 09-10-2008 ...

PS2 How To Play PS1 Games Off A USB Flash Drive! … 02/12/2017 · Hi guys, Tech James here, For this video, I’ll be showing you how to install PS2PSXE onto your PS2 using a USB flash drive, and play PlayStation 1 games off that USB at a decent speed with no How to save PS1 game on PS2 ??? - PlayStation 2 - … Man that's good to know my ps2 library is filling with ps1 games. I would hate to be through a level and oops can't save. I would hate to be through a level and oops can't save. 12 years ago A Way to Transfer PS2 Saves to PS3 without a … You will have to create a PS2 internal memory card on your PS3, which you can do under the “Games” menu. Then, select your USB device from the “Games” menu and press “Triangle.” Locate the saves you wish to transfer, press “Triangle,” and copy them onto your internal PS2 memory card. Once the saves have been transferred, you will be able to play your PS2 games on your PS3 with

How to Save PS1 Games on PS3: 6 Steps (with ... - … 16/12/2011 · How to Save PS1 Games on PS3. This is an article teaching you how to save your ps1/ps2 games on the ps3. Go to the game tab of the menu. How To Save Ps2 Games Onto Ur PS3 - YouTube 21/03/2008 · shows u how to save ur ps2 games on ur ps3 works on a 60gb and a 80g wont work on 20gb or 40gb Thanks ClAdY. PS1/PS2 game saves from GameFAQs to USB to … PS1/PS2 game saves from GameFAQs to USB to PS3? Alright, so, I'm trying to download some game saves from PS1 games from GameFAQs then putting them onto my USB drive, then upload the to my PS3. However, whenever I download the files from the site, they are in .GME format, and I know they should be in .PSV format for the Virtual Memory Card. PS2 How To Play PS1 Games Off A USB Flash Drive! …

Create an internal memory card. 1. Select (Game) > (Memory Card Utility).

Is there a way to save PS1 games on a PS3? - Quora On PS3, you can create virtual PS1 memory cards, and then you can choose which of your virtual memory cards is in slot 1 or slot 2, and change them around as needed. If you have an original PS3 with 4 USB ports on front, you can do the same for PS is there a way to save ps1 games on a ps3? | Yahoo … 18/05/2008 · To save PSone games on the PlayStation 3, you'll need to create a Internal Memory Card for that system. By heading into the Game heading in the Cross Media Bar, you'll find an option entitled Memory Card Utility. You can then create both PSone and PS2 memory cards, give them a name and assign the slot that they're assigned to. Share Save Files For PSone Classics Between a PS3 … An Internal Memory Card simulates a PSone or PS2 memory slot, enabling you to store Save files for games of both kinds of consoles on your PS3. Here’s how to create it: Step 1: Under the Game

How to move game save files from your PS3 to …